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Panchatantra Story : The Mice That Ate Iron

Panchatantra Story : The Mice That Ate Iron

Once upon a time, in a quiet village, there lived a kind-hearted blacksmith named Vikram. He was known for his exceptional craftsmanship and had a reputation for forging the finest iron tools and weapons. Vikram's workshop was filled with various tools and raw materials, including a large pile of iron bars. 

However, Vikram faced a peculiar problem. Mice had infested his workshop, causing havoc by nibbling on the iron bars. Night after night, they would scurry around, their sharp teeth gnawing away at the valuable iron. 

Panchatantra Story : The Mice That Ate Iron

Vikram tried various methods to keep the mice away. He set traps, placed poison, and even enlisted the help of a skilled cat, but the mice always found a way to outsmart them. Frustrated and concerned about his dwindling supply of iron, Vikram sought a solution to this persistent problem. 

One day, while Vikram was taking a stroll near a nearby lake, he noticed a group of small mice struggling to cross a treacherous stream. The current was strong, and the mice were unable to make it to the other side. Vikram's compassionate nature kicked in, and he rushed to their aid. 

He gathered the mice in his hands, ensuring their safety, and gently carried them across the stream. Overwhelmed with gratitude, the leader of the mice stepped forward and said, "Thank you, kind sir, for saving us from the treacherous waters. We are indebted to you. If there is anything we can do to repay your kindness, please let us know." 

Vikram smiled and replied, "I appreciate your gratitude, little ones. I happen to have a problem in my workshop with mice eating away at my iron bars. If you could help me resolve this issue, it would be a great favor." 

The mouse leader nodded and said, "Consider it done, dear blacksmith. We will ensure that your workshop is free from mice." 

With that, Vikram led the group of mice back to his workshop. The mice scurried around, inspecting every corner. They devised a plan to protect the iron bars from their own kind. One by one, they approached the iron bars and began chewing on them, creating small grooves and marks. 

When the other mice saw the damaged bars, they grew hesitant. They wondered why their fellow mice were harming the iron. They feared that there might be something dangerous about the bars and decided to stay away from them. 

News of the "cursed" iron spread among the mice community, and soon, not a single mouse dared to nibble on the iron bars in Vikram's workshop. The problem was finally resolved, and the mice lived in harmony with the blacksmith. 

Vikram was amazed by the mice's clever solution. He thanked them for their ingenuity and rewarded their efforts by providing them a safe haven in his workshop. The mice, grateful for the shelter and protection, continued to keep the workshop free from their kind, ensuring Vikram's supply of iron remained intact. 

The story of "The Mice That Ate Iron" teaches us the power of cleverness and finding unconventional solutions to problems. It emphasizes that sometimes, our greatest adversaries can become our allies if we approach them with kindness and seek their cooperation. The story also illustrates the importance of gratitude and the mutual benefits that arise when we help one another. 


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