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Panchatantra Story : The Hermit and the Mouse

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a wise hermit. He had devoted his life to meditation and finding inner peace. His humble abode was situated near the roots of a large tree, surrounded by nature's beauty. 

The Hermit and the Mouse

One day, a frightened little mouse scurried into the hermit's hut seeking refuge from a group of chasing cats. The compassionate hermit opened his doors and welcomed the mouse, offering it a safe haven. 

Grateful for the hermit's kindness, the mouse decided to stay in the hut. Over time, a strong bond developed between the hermit and the mouse. The hermit would share his wisdom and stories with the mouse, while the mouse listened attentively, eager to learn. 

One evening, as they sat outside the hut, the hermit noticed birds soaring freely in the sky. He turned to the mouse and said, "Look at those birds, my friend. They can explore the vast sky, free from any limitations. We, on the other hand, are confined to this small part of the forest." 

The mouse, inspired by the hermit's words, expressed its desire to be as free as the birds. Understanding the mouse's longing for freedom, the hermit proposed an adventure beyond the forest's borders. 

Excitedly, the hermit and the mouse embarked on a journey together. They encountered different landscapes and creatures, expanding their horizons and gaining valuable experiences. The hermit shared his wisdom, teaching the mouse about compassion and the interconnectedness of all beings. 

After their eventful journey, the hermit and the mouse returned to their forest hut. The mouse had grown wiser and realized that true freedom is not bound by physical limitations but resides within one's mind and heart. 

The moral of this Panchatantra story is that true freedom comes from within. While external circumstances may impose limitations, one can always find inner freedom by embracing wisdom, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge. It teaches us that our mindset and perspective play a significant role in our sense of freedom and contentment. 


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