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Panchatantra Story : The Crow and the Serpent

Panchatantra Story : The Crow and the Serpent

In a lush forest, there lived a pair of crows high up in the branches of an ancient tree. They were happy together, but they had a bitter enemy—a serpent that lived in a hole at the base of their tree. Every time the crows laid eggs, the serpent would crawl up the tree and devour them, leaving the crows heartbroken. 

The crows were distressed and worried. "We must do something about this serpent, or we will never be able to raise our young," said the male crow to his mate. They spent many sleepless nights pondering over a solution. 

One day, the crows decided to seek the advice of a wise old fox who lived nearby. The fox was known throughout the forest for his cunning mind and ability to solve difficult problems. The crows explained their predicament to the fox, who listened carefully and then nodded thoughtfully. 

"I have a plan that will rid you of this serpent once and for all," the fox said. He then whispered his strategy to the crows, who flew back to their tree, hopeful and determined. 

Panchatantra Story : The Crow and the Serpent

The next morning, the crow flew to the king’s palace. There, in the garden, the princess was playing with her friends. She had removed her sparkling necklace and placed it on a rock while she enjoyed her games. The crow swooped down and picked up the necklace in his beak. The princess noticed the crow flying away with her necklace and screamed for help. The palace guards immediately began to chase the crow. 

The crow flew swiftly, making sure the guards were following him, and headed straight for the tree where the serpent lived. Just as he reached the tree, he dropped the necklace into the serpent’s hole and perched on a nearby branch, waiting to see what would happen. 

The guards arrived at the tree and saw the necklace lying at the entrance of the serpent’s hole. As they reached down to retrieve it, the serpent emerged, hissing angrily. Without a moment's hesitation, the guards struck the serpent with their sticks, killing it on the spot. 

The crows watched from above, relieved and overjoyed. Their enemy was gone, and they could finally build their nest and lay eggs in peace. From that day on, the crows lived happily, free from the fear of the wicked serpent.



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